Introduction: Returning to a city that holds memories of both familiarity and adventure is an experience that cannot be easily replicated. Lima, Peru, a vibrant and dynamic metropolis, has once again called me back. However, this time, I have chosen to veer off the...
Introduction Preparing for a trip to Brazil has been an exciting endeavor for me, and I decided to make the most of this opportunity by immersing myself in the local language. Over the last 90 days, I have dedicated myself to learning Brazilian Portuguese. Starting...
Introduction: Living in the capital city of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, for a year was an adventure filled with cultural immersion, exploration, and unexpected discoveries. From starting my journey in the historic Colonial Zone to eventually settling in the...
A number of small townships and cities across the nation are looking to incentivize knowledge workers to move, rewarding them with cash, tax breaks, and even property. These programs are an appealing option for people who cannot afford real estate prices in major...
What in the blue hell happened here??? I remember back in the day it used to be less opinionated and more straight forward to do things, sure we didn't have a million available utility packages or build systems with watchers. But at least things got done in a more...