I've returned back to Taiwan after spending almost 3 months in Thailand and every time I come back here from Thailand I always find it difficult to re-adjust to life here.

I think the biggest reason is that my quality of life is not up to the standard that was set in thailand. In bangkok it's really easy to find a place that has a pool, and everywhere you go massages can be had for cheap and I also found a nearby place that had an onsen that was really inexpensive to visit.

Apartments here in taipei aren't as luxurious unless you want to spend around the same you would to rent a 2 bedroom apartment in las vegas but for a fraction of the size. Also the private onsen places are more expensive here for just a short hour of time.

The biggest thing about the summertime here is the humidity is really wet. So whenever I go outside I just feel pockets of sweat on my clothes from this high humidity. Plus the sun feels stronger this year so I got to equip my old lady sun umbrella so I don't feel fatigued when walking through large sections of sunlight.

There are a lot of smokers on the street here, they are everywhere, if you go to a bar or a club there's a lot of smokers inside as well. I had an idea before about what if I were to video record every person I saw smoking, I could make a music video montage about it. That would be pretty interesting, especially if I did a slow-motion video.

Changing of schools, I also changed chinese language schools. I got tired of the old school that I had spent half a year at and heard about a school that was more challenging so I decided to jump ship. We will see in three months time from now how this new school stacks up against the old school.