"How to live the life you want and travel (easier) around the world"



You save 80% ($402.00)

Course format

5 Modules

Course length

1.5 Hours


Travel & Finances

What is it?

The most important advice Dion gives to his close friends is to explore more cities if you want to live more. It may
be counterintuitive at first thought, but when you discover what he reveals on Worry Less Travel More, it will, quite
possibly, change the way you live and let live forever.

Why is it relevant?

The promise of this training course for you to begin traveling more effectively and in less time. Dion walks you
through his unique and surprisingly simple organizational process and gives you a whole new system for findina |
travel deals with less resistance. English

How can it help?

In Worry Less Travel More you'll find out about.

  • The realities of traveling the world, seperating fact from fiction.
  • How much money should you save up vs. traveling like a hobo - Dion gives you the definitive answer...and it can help you realize your travel dreams, better and faster.
  • How to structure your finances ... You'll be shocked when you find out Dion's system for making tracking your finances super easy.
  • How to identify bullshit information from critical information using the power of "active listening" to help you figure out the posers from the real travelers.
  • How to realistically make money online and overcome the single biggest struggle most nomads face with finacial independence ... and what to specifically do to quite possibly close more clients in one month than all the previous year's month combined.
  • The best packing combinations for traveling and how most suitcases suck for traveling with many hops.

what now?

Worry Less Travel More brings you Dion's personal (and secret) traveling process.

Why not make this small investment in your dreams that will pay-off huge dividends in the future? If you're ready to
go travel the world and live abroad, faster, and easier, then this training is for you (and your business).

Are you ready to ADD TO CART yet?

In fact, when you use this secret of master travelers, you’ll find yourself worrying less, thinking less, while traveling more than ever before!
Here’s why.

Today, most people work too hard at worrying. Especially when they don’t need to.

If you're like most people we train, you spend a lot of your time thinking about places you would like fo go. You get your hopes up on the places you want fo go and then make excuses why you can't go.

And it's all about planning. preparing and doing. You create a game plan, you prepare everything needed to make it happen, and then you don't go.

You make a strong case for why you can’t go. And you give yourself a whole litany of positive reasons why day in and day out is the same old routine. But more often than not, you plan and prepare but end up not going anywhere.

"I can't afford to travel"


"I too busy with my career"


"I don't know another language"


"Travelling is too dangerous"


"I can't afford to travel"

From people who rarely travel, these are the common excuses that are often made. The reality is that there are billions of people traveling every year. People are traveling through planes, trains, buses, cars, motorbikes, bicycles and even on foot.

But for some reason, the statistic fall all deaf ears.

Sound familiar?

It's so frustrating, right? You know that you need to get away and go travel. You know that you can benefit from it.  But for some reason, the vast majority of people simply don’t go.

If you've ever experienced these types of problems, you've probably been frustrated, too. That's why want to tell you about a "lazy" approach discovered many years ago. When discovered this secret, traveling became a lot easier for me. Sold more, closed more, and quickly became one of the top people that others came to for an action plan.

What is this “lazy” secret that helps you fravel better, faster, easier, and with less risk? Simply this...

Worry LESS, Travel More!

That's right, despite what you may have been told, most people worry foo much. It was frue for me. And it's probably true for you, too. But here’s the thing...

It's not your fault.

All the books, courses, and infiuencers tell you to buy, buy, buy. And we think we need to overwhelm the prospect with benefits and reasons why they'd be crazy not to travel. 

Ever had the feeling that you've lost opportunities because you stayed at home too much? I know I did before I started traveling. And since discovering the secret I'm going to tell you about, not only did worry less...but I traveled more than ever before. And you will, too.

Of all the travel secrets and strategies teach, the one I'm going to tell you about here may just be the key to unlocking true travel mastery for you. It's fotally unconventional and counter intuitive. And it all comes down to one core distinction...

Everyone Only Cares About What They Want!

Yet, most people only care about what they, themselves want. And that's why they'll never succeed as much as they want in traveling and becoming a digital nomad.

Want to make traveling easier and do it in less time and with greater consistency? Then simply travel more. By traveling more, your problems, your frustrations, and your objections, theu simoly go away. Find a place you don't like? You simply leave! The grass IS truly greener on the other side!

Unfortunately, most people are only taught how to stay in one place for their entire life, never getting a new perspective on how life really is in other places, never experiencing different cultures, never trying different foods, never meeting new friends, and more.

Yet, the most vital skil of all - the ability to travel effectively - is completely ignored.

But when you know how to spot when the crap hits the fan effectively, everything changes when it comes to how you see the world.

You'll find that you worry less but travel more. And it's all because of your ability to spot when things are not going well and then make a game plan on exactly what you want.

Think about it. People are desrepectly trying to tell us what they want. If only we don't listen to then and do what we want, it makes the whole travel process from our point of view so much easier...

And it makes the traveling process much easier because we listening to what we want and then doing what we want instead of what others want for themselves

Make total sense, right?

Jesus did what he meant to do and lived a life of purpose.

Unfortunately, most sales programs, books, courses, etc... only focus on standard travel methods like overcoming objections and creating scripts based on travel benefits.

But they don't tell you what NOT to do to be able to actually travel.

That's why I created a brand-new program that shows you how to travel more effectively based on the power of listening. It's called Worry Less, Trevel More.

In Worry Less, Trevel More, you'll discover why listening to what you want... and acting on those wants... is the ultimate key to traveling success.

When you can do that, your travle plans - and your anility to travel more effectively - take on a whole new power. That's when you take travel from the realm of the difficult and inconsistent and take into the realm of the inevitable. And it's all done by listening effectively to what you want and how you want it. that's the difficult part - especially if you don't know how.

Over the last decade or more, I perfected this approach to travling, I've taught this approach to my own inner circle and clients of Dion's Travels with incredible success.

Here's just a few of the things i'm talking about...

1. Why being a great worrier can cost you BIG in travel and exploring the world. And no, I'm talking about the old adage of "whoever worries first loses" during traveling. Here's what you must do instead to dramatically boost your lifestyle.

2. My personal travel secret that made me more in one month than it did in a whole year when I first discovered it. Never revealed in any other program before, this was the key to living overseas for long periods of time. And anyone can use this.

3. Famous motivational guru Andy Lee Graham's proven advice for anyone who wants to travel more, easier. This simple yet powerful secret instantly taps into the hearts, minds, and true desires of any person of prospect and gives you an almost unfair advantage in any country.

4. The 9 most common archetypes of travelers. What types are good, which one are bad, which ones help you sell easier, how tell which type you are... and how to develop  the type that's geared towards having true empathy with prospects and can help you travel and work easier and better.

5. The type of people who constantly kill creative ideas and lack innovation. How to spot these "bad apples" and avoid them at all costs by listening for these two tell-tale signs. And what to do if you are one of these people to unleash your creative force.

Perpetual travelers and occasional travelers in general, are also the greatest people you will ever meet.

This is the exact reason why I have created Worry Less, Travel More. It took me the best part of a decade to discover and put all these simple yet truly powerful travel and living tactics together into my own lifestyle.

Why spend all that time and energy in discovering them on your own when you can discover them all over a short weekend with the Worry Less, Travel More program?

Even better, because with the Worry Less, Travel More program, you also get TWO GIFTS valued at $599 As bonuses to help you speed the power of the tactics in the main program.

Free Bonus #1: Life Roll Spreadsheet

Take control of your finances with this specialized worksheet that helped me get my finances in order. Before I had this sheet, I was trying to track my finances the old fashion way, trying to track every little thing, but that wan't very practical and it was driving me crazy, it wasn't until I stumbled on this different way of tracking my money that things started changing and with less work invol

Free Bonus #2: 30 minutes zoom call with Dion

Take advantage of this bonus zoom call with Dion in order to ask whatever questions you have and get real answer. Normally Dion does not offer 30 minute zoom calls, normally zoom consultations are typically 1hr and end with an action plan.

It All Adds Up To This...

For anyone who wants fo take their lives to a whole new level — to travel more, do more, and in general have a much better lifestyle — Worry Less, Travel More and the bonus videos are the ultimate travel package of materials  for achieving greater levels of success in your fravel journey.

After going through all the training the first time. you'll instantly understand why when becoming an experienced traveler, LESS MEANS MORE.

If you're ready fo take your travel journey on a rapid upwards trajectory. click the link below to get your hands on Worry Less, Travel More and the exciting bonuses that accompany this new program.

Click the "Add to Cart" button to order Worry Less, Travel More now.

$97.00 $499.00

You Save 80% ($402.00)

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